Hi everybody.
My mysql installation is crashing 5 times a day. I'm
running 4.06 on
Windows XP.
These are the logs.
z:mysql406binmysqld-max-nt.exe: ready for
030430 20:00:57 InnoDB: Operating system error number
23 in a file
InnoDB: See http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html for
installation help.
InnoDB: Look from section 13.2 at
InnoDB: what the error number means.
InnoDB: File name z:mysql406dataibdataibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
(cyclic redundancy
check). ERROR_CRC'
Does anybody know how to troubleshoot this issue.
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Need for speed underground 1 free download full version for pc. In this blog post, we’ll find out how to use Percona XtraBackup on a MySQL instance with a large number of tables. As of Percona Xtrabackup 2.4.5, you are required to have enough open files to open every single InnoDB tablespace in the instance you’re trying to back up. The default value (1024) is too low for Xtrabackup. To increase open files limitation to a recommended value, which is 16384, you can use our script s9sulimit available in our Git repository. Clone the Git repo in ClusterControl host (run this on the controller ) and navigate into 'cluster' directory.
My mysql installation is crashing 5 times a day. I'm
running 4.06 on
Windows XP.
These are the logs.
z:mysql406binmysqld-max-nt.exe: ready for

030430 20:00:57 InnoDB: Operating system error number
23 in a file
InnoDB: See http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html for

installation help.
InnoDB: Look from section 13.2 at
InnoDB: what the error number means.
InnoDB: File name z:mysql406dataibdataibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
Innobackupex Innodb Error Number 24 Means 'too Many Open Files'
The explanation in INNODB manual is '23 Data error(cyclic redundancy
check). ERROR_CRC'
Does anybody know how to troubleshoot this issue.
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.