1. Warhammer Total War Mods For Vampires

I am a passionate fan of Warhammer, Total War and strategy games, which is why I am on a quest to make Total War: Warhammer the best it possibly can be. My goal is to continually make the game an even greater experience, by making it richer in lore and deeper in terms of its gameplay, diversity.

Better Camera Mod

The Better Camera Mod does what it says on the tin, it may sound like an irrelevant Mod however it is actually the most popular mod for the Total War Warhammer game justifying its place on our list of The Best Total War Warhammer Mods, the mod adds more camera zooms and angles giving you almost ultimate control of your screen which is very useful when commanding troops, viewing the cinematic battles and taking gory screenshots. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=690476829&searchtext=)

Building Progression Icons

This mod adds tons of icons for the buildings in the game, which is the original vanilla Total War Warhammer all had the same icons even when you upgraded them to a higher level building, this mod is simple yet adds an entirely new dimension and role-playing access to the game and therefore makes our list of the best Total War Warhammer mods and is a must! (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696257540&searchtext=)

Steel Faith Overhaul


SEE ALSO: 11 Of Rome Total War 2’s Best Mods

The Steel Faith is the ultimate mod for any Warhammer Lore nerd, the game brings overhaul pretty much every aspect of the original Warhammer game, it adds a lot of new units which are from the lore of Warhammer, it adds legendary lords, more diverse factions, new ancient races, superhuman elites and fearsome vampires. And this is just one part, I can literally write another 500 words on the other features this game delves into but unfortunately I will have to summarize it; the other parts of the game overhauled by this mod are the campaign, the factions, the lore, the units, the lords and heroes, the magic, the combat, the multiplayer and also other independent sub mods created by the same developers that made this mod that further adds extra realism. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=704361604&searchtext=)

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Grand Campaign Custom Maps

The Grand Campaign Custom Maps mod brings hundreds of custom made maps by the mod’s creator with the mod having over 20 creators and hundreds of contributors. The mod replaces the old, boring and repetitive settlement maps that make the cinematic battles bland. What’s great about this mod is that new mods are added pretty much weekly meaning you will never get bored of conquering the Warhammer universe. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=877551324&searchtext=)

Improved Loading Screen Artwork

The Improved Loading Screen Artwork transforms the game by adding 12 extra high-quality loading screens to the game with more load screen already in the works for the upcoming sequel Total Warhammer 2. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700512220&searchtext=)

Home Region Movement Bonus

This mod increases the movement of armies in their own regions by 10% for both the players and the AI. This adds extra realism to the game as a defender will know his homeland much better than the invaders and makes invading an enemy territory much harder and prolongs the wars. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693684953&searchtext=)

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Conquer Anywhere & Confederations

The Conquer Anywhere & Confederations solves one particular issue that really annoyed me which was that there were limits to what settlements and areas of the map different factions can conquer, for example, the human’s factions could not conquer the mountain strongholds of the Dwarfs and the Chaos and Beastmen factions could not conquer all settlements on the map, but now you can. Admittedly the decision surrounding what settlements you could conquer all came down to the Warhammer lore but still it was pretty annoying. The other major thing that this mod allows you to do is form Confederations with factions who originally were not able to form factions, for example, the Greenskins which will offer a new mechanic, strategy, and a big advantage. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687689947&searchtext=)


Warhammer Total War Mods For Vampires

Ultimate Minor Settlements pack for Grand Campaign

The Ultimate Minor Settlement Mod, recreates all the minor settlement maps for the cinematic battles, with the creator of the mod ‘AnonymousCheese’ citing that the reason he created this mod was because he wasn’t happy with the fact that the maps provided by Creative Assembly simply did not fit into the game and many of the sieges did not allow the defenders to fight inside their cities which destroyed the point of building fortifications and walls in those cities. The mod features over 40 maps and is updated regularly. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=883467263&searchtext=)

All Tabletop Lords

The All Tabletop Lords mod is a must have addition to our list of The Best Total War Warhammer Mods adds a variety of new lords aka generals to the game from the famous Tabletop Warhammer games, each of the lords has unique abilities, specific mount options and tailored skill trees making them not just an aesthetic addition but a whole new part of the game. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=724263018&searchtext=)

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Tier 4 Minor Settlements

The Tier 4 Minor Settlements is another entry to our list of The Best Total War Warhammer Mods and it extends the function previously only available to the Dwarf faction where they could construct Tier 4 and Tier 5 buildings in minor settlements to free up spaces however this was very restrictive so it was added to all factions by this mod. What this means that the AI and you will now have access to more powerful units in more of your regions and you will notice a significant economic boost yourself and so will the AI which can make the game more challenging for inexperienced players. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700071210&searchtext=)

Dwarven Shield – Gold and Silver

The Dwarven Shield – Gold and Silver mod simply removes the green, blue and red colors from the shields and armor of the dwarves leaving and in some parts adding just the gold and silver making the Dwarf armies looking much more pleasing to the eye and badass. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=694914457&searchtext=)


Karaz-A-Karak is the capital of the Dwarves and this mod is literally a free expansion, it includes a whole new map and campaign with the aim being to either defend (as the Dwarves) the Dwarf capital Karaz-A-Karak or taking it for yourself and stealing its riches as the humans, greenskins and the vampires. And the Karaz-A-Karak cinematic battle map is, in my opinion, one of the best maps in the game including mod maps and maps part of the game therefore being a firm entry in our list of The Best Total War Warhammer Mods. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=911937987&searchtext=)

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Better Trade

Mods For Total War Warhammer

SEE ALSO:13 Of Europa Universalis’ 4 Best Mods

The Better Trade mod considerably improves the disappointing Total War Warhammer trading system which saw you produce so many goods that you couldn’t export or trade with making it a waste of resources, this mod caps a number of goods you can produce in each of your regions and balances the prices in order to avoid inflation making the trading part of the game useful and usable. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820554756&searchtext=)

Cataph’s: The Southern Realms

This mod adds 3 new playable factions to the game the Tilea, the Border Princes and Estalia each with their own custom tech trees built from scratch, 2 new building chains, three custom lords and six custom legendary lords and 27+ new army units across the three factions. This mod is a must-have for any Total War Warhammer veteran and/or lore lover looking for a fresh experience in the game. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708051537&searchtext=)

Varied Generals

This mod does way with the ‘clone generals’ in Total War Warhammer where the majority of the generals except the legendary generals use the same few head models, equipment, and armor. This mod will add a much wider variety of new head models and other features such as equipment, armor, shield designs and horses or other ridable beasts (if applicable) making the cinematic battle experience much more unique every time you play. (Mod link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=703749830&searchtext=)