You cant,you must do the companions quest in order to become awerewolf. Its the only way,however there is a way to become analpha werewolf,which instead of being black, you are white andfeared by all other werewolves.
Can you become a werewolf in Skyrim?
For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Any mods that allow you to do the Companion quests and not be a werewolf?' The first Nexus Mods Screenshot Community Event is here! Submit your screenshots of Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Enderal, Fallout 4, or Fallout 76 illustrating the event theme and seize your chance to win one of three £25 Steam Gift Cards ($33 depending on exchange rates). As we announced earlier this week. These quest mods are at high quality, and surely players will spend tons of hours to immerse themselves in Skyrim. With the latest Skyrim Remastered Edition, it is the perfect time to return to Skyrim and enjoy new quest mods. And so here we are: Top 10 Best Quest Skyrim Mods to Date!
Yes, you can. You can join the Companions, and you can become a werewolf there.
When do you become a werewolf in Skyrim?
You can become a werewolf by following the questline for the Companions. They are located in Whiterun, and by talking to their leader you can join them.
How do you become a werewolf in Skyrim?
Go to Whiterun and join the Companions. The offer of becoming a Werewolf is part of their quest line.
What town do you go to in skyrim to become a werewolf?
Whiterun, it's the Companions meadhall, Jorrvaskr.
How many missions do you have to complete to become a werewolf in Skyrim?
The quest where you become a werewolf, The Silver hand, is the fourth quest in the Companions main questline.
Is there a way to become a werewolf without going to the companion quest line?
No, the only way to become a werewolf in Skyrim is to join the Companions and continue along their quest line until the option is made available to you.
Can you be werewolf in Skyrim with no DLC?
Yes, as part of the Companions questline in the vanilla version of the game, you will become a werewolf. However the werewolf perk tree is only added in the Dawnguard DLC.
How do you turn into a werewolf in skyrim?
You have to go to the Companions in Whiterun. After a few quests they will turn you into a werewolf.
Where can you become a werewolf in elder scrolls 5 Skyrim?
Join the Companions in Whiterun and do a few of their quests. Probably about the fifth quest you will have access to the ability.
How do you become a white werewolf on skyrim?
In what game can you become a werewolf?
Is the werewolf perk tree only for skyrim Dawnguard?
Dawnguard is the expansion that adds the werewolf perk tree, without that, you can't get werewolf perks.
Is turning into a werewolf on oblivion a mod?
In Oblivion yes it is a mod. In morrowind it is the bloodmoon expansion. In Skyrim its part of the fighters guild (companions) storyline
What level can you become a werewolf in Skyrim?
There's no level requirement, you can do it at level 1.
Can i become a werewolf if i are already a vampire lord in Skyrim?
Can you only become a werewolf once in Skyrim?
yes. if you cuer yourself of werewolfism you can not become one again
Can you become a werebear in Skyrim?
You cannot become a Werebear in Skyrim, unless you've added a mod that gives you that option. The only were-creature the base game offers, is Werewolf.
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What level can you be to be a werewolf in Skyrim?
Any level as you become a werewolf as part of the Companion's Quest: The Silver Hand. But the damage you do does increase as you get to higher levels.
How do you become a vampire after becoming a werewolf in skyrim?
That cant happen, Werewolf blood gives the user an immunity to disease and since vampirism is a disease.. its not possible, but.. there is a way to become a werwolf AFTER being a vampire, just fight vampires, contract the disease THEN become a werewolf
How do you become a were wolf on the new game skyrim?
In the beginning of the game, you'll come across a woman named 'Aela the Huntress'. Speak to her about becoming a companion. Along the quest line for the Companions, you'll hit a quest called 'The Silver Hand'. During this quest, you are given the option to become a werewolf.
When you first buy Skyrim how do you become a werwolf?
Complete the companions quest line. The last mission is where you will be able to turn.
Is there a quest in Skyrim where you can be cured of being a werewolf?
Yes, it's part of the Companions questline. Continue doing missions for them, eventually Kodlak will talk to you about a cure, it's pretty self explanatory from there.
Can you become a zombie in skyrim?
No, the only creature forms you can obtain other than the normal races are Vampire and Werewolf.
Can you become a vampire lord in Skyrim Dawnguard if you were already a vampire in Skyrim from level 1?
Yes, you can. Being a werewolf, or a vampire already, does not stop you becoming a vampire lord in Dawnguard.
Should you become a werewolf or a vampire in skyrim?
Werewolfs and vampires contradict eachother very much. First you have to download the elder scrolls v dawnguard which is 1600 Microsoft points on Xbox which is 20$. A werewolf allows you to sprint for a long time but you can't access the inventory or the map nor wait a certain amount of hours. Thankfully you don't have to download anything to become a werewolf in skyrim you just have to join the companions which can… Read More
How do you become a werewolf in the elder scrollsIV?
if you're talking about oblivion, you cant. There is no way in oblivion you can become a werewolf, although some people believe you can become a werewolf in the shivering isles. But as far as i know you cant become a werewolf, or of course you could do a MOD, which is some thing that allows you to do anything you want, thats why on youtube you see these people doing crazy things like getting… Read More
Quest Mods For Skyrim
How do you become a skeleton in Skyrim?
Will they have werewolves in Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim?
Yes, there are werewolves in Skyrim, and yes, you can become one by completing the companion quests the mission is called Proving Honor the third quest for the companions.
How do you become a werewolf on oblivion for Xbox 360?

While becoming a werewolf was possible in both Morrowind, Oblivion's predecessor, and Skyrim, Oblivion's successor, Oblivion doesn't allow its players to become werewolves, nor are there any werewolves in the game.
Which is better in Skyrim a werewolf or a vampire?
How do you get skyrim werewolf perks easily?
The only way to get Werewolf perks is to eat the hearts of people you kill.
Do werewolves get stonger as you do skyrim Ex level 1 weak werewof level 40 strong werewolf?
Yes. Werewolf claw damage, HP and other stats do level with the werewolf, though without gear bonuses, their feasibility is questionable at higher levels.
What animals can you transform into in skyrim?
Werewolf or vampire and I'm the werewolf and it's sweet. Just watchout for towns they hate them.
Why cant you do the Silver Hand quest in Skyrim?
Where is Aela's house in skyrim?
She lives in Jorrvaskr, the headquarters for Companions guild.
Can you become a dragon in Skyrim?
Where are the werewolves in Skyrim?
Go to the companions in Whiterun and do all there quests they will offer to turn you
How do you cure vammpirism in skyrim once ive reached stage four and all villagers attack you on sight?
Skyrim Companions Quest Mod Minecraft
You can return to stage 1 by feeding on a sleeping npc. To completely cure vampirism the easiest solution is to complete the companions quest to gain werewolf form. There is also another, more complicated quest if you would rather avoid the companions.
How do you become a werewolf fallout new Vegas?
This is only possible in Skyrim. I personally wish Bethesda wasn't so sticky about porting content from one game to another.
What are the release dates for Skyrim for Pimps - 2011 Werewolf Wedding Crashers 1-7?
Skyrim Best Companion Mods
Skyrim for Pimps - 2011 Werewolf Wedding Crashers 1-7 was released on: USA: 14 February 2012
What is a good way to earn money in Skyrim?
You can join groups or do the entire campaign, but joining groups is better because you can get other stuff like become a werewolf (if you join the companions in Whiterun, which I'm in) as well as earn a wage of about 100 - 500 coins a mission. (Note- If you do the campaign, a good way to get stuff is through picking things off of dead bodies)
How do you turn into animals on Skyrim?
The only animal u can turn into is a werewolf but you will have to be a companion
Is Aela The huntress from skyrim a nord?
Where is the companions located in whiterun in Skyrim?
In Jorvaskr on the east side of the city's Residential district.
Can you be a vampire and werewolf at the same time in skyrim?
no check your active efects and you will see an efect that says 100% dissese resistance if you are a vampire or werewolf
Is it possible to become a vampire lord on Skyrim without Dawnguard?
No, the 'Vampire Lord' and vampire perks are things added by Dawnguard. Without it, you can only become a regular vampire.
How do you finish the game skyrim?
There is no way to finish skyrim. There is always something to do. The dark brotherhood will have a quest or the companions or the thieves guild. and although it may not seem heroic, you are a hero. But you must be hated to save skyrim. You're the hero skyrim deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Can you play Skyrim dragon borndlc without Skyrim disc?
What are all of the joinable guilds in Skyrim?
Dark Brotherhood, the Companions, the Blades, the College of Winterhold, and the Thieves Guild.
How do you contract lycanthropy in Skyrim?
Lycanthropy is contracted as part of the blood ritual that occurs during The Companions quest, The Silver Hand. Source: Elder Scrolls Wiki page 'Lycanthropy (Skyrim)'.