1. Skyrim Special Edition Multiple Followers
  2. Skyrim Follower Mods With Quest
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Best multiple followers mod? User Info: Dartigen93. But I do already have Horses for Followers (and its related mod) and Better Stealth AI so I'd need one that's compatible with those two (not that I can think of any way it could conflict but I don't know).

  • Mods that add new followers to Skyrim number in the thousands; from magic wielding anime characters to arrow shooting Macho Man Randy Savages, there is no shortage of new and unique companions to choose from when adventuring across Skyrim.The hottest has to be the Sisters of Battle mod that drops two of the most professionally designed companions seen in a mod right into the game world.
  • Dec 07, 2016  Skyrim Special Edition has a ton of mods available that cover all manner of elements. Here we take a look at the best companion mods to take with you on your next adventure.
3 years ago

A Shout to all these follower who refused to simply be Barbie Dolls.

  1. Inigo .. A league of his own. Quits becoming a follower, became a friend instead.

  2. Aurlyn Dawnstone .. A high elf who have seen it all. Do Poetry, Do Riddles, Do ownage against vampires... And she even gives you home cooked meal if you marry her :D . I love her, she was a permanent alongside Inigo in my game nowadays. A bit overpowered but it fits her storyline as someone who sees it all already.

  3. Vilja .. The benchmark of all followers since.. forever? Emma have managed to assembled a highly efficient team that produced marvel. A technical wonder for a custom follower system. Heck, she so advance she can even have her own follower. And if you have Inigo, they even interact with each other.

  4. Anna's NPCs .. Not 1.. not 2.. but 10 (last I count :p) followers, all having their own personal quest. and their own custom marriage system. And they chat with each others.

  5. Viconia .. Love Baldur Gate? Get her. Never played BG before? Learn about Drow first and know what to expect. Enough spoiler already :D

  6. Benjamin Doon .. Hope you dont give him garlic bread for breakfast.. And give the poor old man a horse before you start running everywhere. Haha.. He cracks me up more then the next 2 followers

  7. Sofia .. The funny fully voiced follower.. Oh, she funny alright. And choke full of double entendre dialogues. And she hates Nazeem and Braith.

  8. Recorder .. Lore enthuasists might want to skip this, but for others.. see how many off world reference you can get of her.

  9. Mirai .. I tested her loong ago, early version of her, back when she has a house in Riverwood.. but never get a chance to test her later version.. but she really feel like a daughter back then to me.

  10. Arissa .. Chesko's creation.. Need I say more?

  11. Mrissi .. Save often! Not because she is buggy.. but because how you do her quest will determined what she became at the end.. But shes one of the most adorable follower ever .. contested only by Mirai in this list. And this isnt a barbie doll list!

  12. Cerwiden .. One of the first custom voiced follower in Skyrim alongside Vilja. Sadly, she seems to have been abandoned. Altho her combat system are probably still ahead of some others.

  13. Hoth .. Awesome follower who gives you radiant quest! So you'll never ran out of quest ever! His stubbornness with sticking to his weapons and armor means he is a bit of a problem at very high level (or if you have mods that add lots of enemies) but awesome still. I have him as a quest generator most of the time at later level.

  14. Rigmor .. Sadly, while I despised Thalmor as well, locking me out of half of skyrim unless I do the civil war for Nord supremacy is a bit hard to do. Maybe 1 day... if I ever play melee in TES games.

  15. Interesting NPCs .. How can I forget this! Not only it adds followers, it add some NPCs as well with interesting backstory.. All custom voiced. I should really try that Rumarin guy 1 day ._.

  16. Atvir Dres and his update Male follower.. How rare! Comes with glowing reference from his users too.

  17. Kitiara - Warning NSFW link I have her once.. Sadly, I was also running Interesting NPC mod.. and also Anduniel at the same time.. So I got confused a lot with so many followers talking with the same voice :D

  18. Roderic .. Requires completion of Companion Questline from the description.. Which mean its off my territory.

  19. Valfar .. He uses Galmar's voice. and also Ulfric worshipper. Just like Rigmor, political difference with me means he most likely be on the receiving end of my wrath, if he ever get installed in my game. Sorry.

  20. Lumping these guys, as they all jumped world in Skyrim from the Witcher series .. Geralt, My first Wife aka Yennefer, My Mistress aka Triss, Ciri and Keira, All with voiced ported from The Witcher game itself.

Since Valfar is considered custom voice.. Heres some more stuff from tweaked vanilla voicetype

Skyrim Se Followers Mod

22) Yashira .. based off FemaleSultry voice, default outfit is very skimpy tho. But very well done from what little time I've spent with her.

Skyrim Special Edition Multiple Followers

23) Minerva .. Uses Female Elf Haughty, since theres no vanilla Elf Female Follower. And she actually comment appropriately, author also responsible for Dynamic Follower Dialogue mod, so its not that surprising that she uses the same system.

24) Hel .. Also uses Female Elf Haughty, but is an evil incarnate.

25) Oddvar .. Because somebody even pmed me to get this to the list. :D .. He is a pretty old creation tho. And abandoned.

26) Nerida .. Unique as its an edited version of Female Young Eager voicetype.

27) Solar .. Similar to Nerida (same author), also Hel and Yashira linked above.. Solar uses an edited version of Lydia's voice (aka Female Even Tone) .. Also try out his other followers which uses vanilla voicetype, but they actually do sport some sort of personality Nemain and Xymena

Probably a few more I missed.. but help me complete this list.

EDIT: Addition! Link fixed!

EDIT 20th August 2016: More followers, Aurlyn link updated to her personal blog for download. Also.. flair!!!


Part of the fun for players in the world of Skyrim is taking a companion or few on adventures as they traverse the vast landscape, plundering dungeons and completing quests. There are a number of mods available already for Skyrim Special Edition that take adventuring with a partner to the next level. Here's a few of our favorites.

The fully-voiced delight that is Sofia is a lore-friendly (depending on opinion and play style) follower who accompanies the Dragonborn on his (or her) adventures. Voiced by Christine Slagman, the dialog is not only witty and humorous, but also reacts to surroundings, other NPCs and select quest lines.

Sofia is quite an unusual follower. She is tough, witty and just a little bit boastful. She has a strong fondness for the player character but her deliberate attempts to disguise the fact just leads to very awkward conversations especially as she usually says exactly what she thinks. Sofia is a tease and loves to wind people up which doesn't make her very popular with people. Her rebellious spirit and careless attitude often gets her in trouble. Not to mention her constant inappropriate comments which easily offend or embarrass people.

If you need a companion for life and are tired of the in-game vanilla characters, be sure to give Sofia a try.

Companions and Followers

This handy mod implements a variety of characters who traverse Skyrim and integrate with fellow NPCs. While they travel around the world of Skyrim the 12 followers do remain at a single location one day per week to make hunting them down just a little bit more convenient.

Skyrim Follower Mods With Quest

Here's a list of all the companions added:

Skyrim Se Followers Mod
  • Alana: Female, Fire Mage and Conjurer.
  • Shyvana: Female, Lightning Mage and Conjurer.
  • Elsif: Female DarkElf, Frost Mage and Conjurer.
  • Ashe: Female, Archer
  • Coda: Male, Tank.
  • Devesha: Female, Conjured Weapons.
  • Haj-Meer: MALE SUPLEXING ARGONIAN!? Unarmed Only.
  • Keiko: Male Kajiit, Two Handed Warrior.
  • Leona: Female, Two Handed Warrior.
  • Mira: Female, Paladin Archetype, Can cast weak healing spells on self, default weapon enchant Turn Undead.
  • Mulgrom: Male Orc, Dual Wielding.
  • Sheena: Female, Dual Wielding.

INIGO is an interesting Argonian who sports more than 7000 lines of dialog. Both a skilled warrior and capable partner, INIGO is able to be controlled effectively, even in combat, without the use of other mods and settings. For example, sheathing your weapon in battle will cause INIGO to cease combat and return to your side. And you can whistle to him too.

You will find Inigo in Riften Jail. He's next to Sibbi Black-Briar in the first cell on your left. Keep an eye out for notes referring to Inigo on your travels. If your character needs a reason to visit the jail they may give you the excuse you require.

Garm the Husky Companion

Our last pick is not of human form but a husky. Meet Garm, the husky companion.

Garm is a fierce husky named after his father Garmr, the guardian of the Norse and Nord underworlds. His mother is Jörð (Jord; Earth), one of the Jötnar. Feeling curious about the realm of Akray she disguised herself as a wolf and flirted with Garmr as a way to get in. Garmr was not fooled but he agreed to answer her questions if she would bear him a son, to which she agreed. The son she bore was Garm. He was born during the Warp of the West in the third era, around 3E 420, and is still considered a young pup by those in the Underworld.

Husky dogs are cool. Running around with one by your side as you slice the heads of undead Nords is even more cool.

Your Favorite?

Who do you enjoy traversing the land with? Sound off your favorite companion mods in the comments!