1. Universe Of Swords Mod Terraria
Critical chance6% / 7% / 10% / 16%
Universe Of Swords Mod

The Altar of Creation is used for creating and upgrading the five different artifact weapons and artifact accessories. Fargo's Mutant Mod. Elemental Unleash. Universe of Swords Mod. Beyond the forgotten ages. Alchemist NPC. ImkSushis Mod. Elements Awoken. Which Mod Is This From? Tremor Mod Remastered. Magic Storage. Yet another boss health bar.

For an extensive guide to crafting these items, and a crafting tree, see Guide:Crafting Artifact Weapons.

The Death Rot is a craftable thrownArtifact weapon. It can be re-crafted into multiple Tiers, increasing its power and effects. It has additional effects if the Kingslayer Flask is equipped.

Universe Of Swords Mod Terraria


Tiers[editedit source]

IDeath Rot IHit enemies are afflicted by 'Pestilence,' which spreads to nearby enemies. Every fifth throw of the weapon leaves behind multiple clouds of Plague Mirasa.
IIDeath Rot IIHit enemies are afflicted by 'Pestilence,' which spreads to nearby enemies. Every fifth throw of the weapon leaves behind multiple clouds of Plague Mirasa. Attacks may release a swarm of Rot Seekers that explode into violent fumes.
IIIDeath Rot IIIHit enemies are afflicted by 'Pestilence,' which spreads to nearby enemies. Every fifth throw of the weapon leaves behind multiple clouds of Plague Mirasa. Attacks may release a swarm of Rot Seekers that explode into violent fumes. Critical hits may cause enemies to explode into violent fumes.
IVDeath Rot IVHit enemies are afflicted by 'Pestilence,' which spreads to nearby enemies. Every fifth throw of the weapon leaves behind multiple clouds of Plague Mirasa. Attacks may release a swarm of Rot Seekers that explode into violent fumes. Critical hits may cause enemies to explode into violent fumes. Hitting enemies may release Necrotic Embers.

History[editedit source]

  • Introduced.
Weapons(List):Melee Weapons • Ranged Weapons • Magic Weapons • Summon weapons • Thrown weapons
Melee Weapons
SwordsAlpha Blade • Bismite Sword • Blade of the You-Kai • Blizzard's Edge • Bloodfire Blade • Bloodshadow • Bloodthorn Blade • Bloody Zombie Arm • Char Fury • Circe's Scimitar • Clatterbone Longsword • Coiled Blade • Cryolite Sword • Deity's Lineage • Depth Spiral • Duskwood Sword • The Earthblade • Elendskraft • Ember Blade • Ethereal Sword • Fae Saber • Fiery Blade • Floran Saber • Folv's Lost Blade • Frigid Bite • Gaea's Wrath • Geode Breaker • Ghastblade • Gilded Blade • Granite Slicer • Harpy Blade • Huskstalk Sword • Ichor Scimitar • Light's End • The Mountain • Oasis Blade • Pestilent Sword • Possessed Blade • Quicksilver Blade • Quicksilver Slicer • Runic Sword • Scarab Blade • Schattenstolz • Shadowflame Sword • Shadowisp Sword • Skyblade • Sky Strike • The Slugger • Soul Blade • Soul Star • Spirit Saber • Starblade • Stellar Blade • Talon Blade • The Tenderizer • Tidal Blade • Time Winder • Titanic Blade • Twilight Dawn • Vein Drainer • Venom Blade • Viashino Fireblade • Zanbat Sword
SpearsBismite Pike • Clatter Sword • Dusk Lance • Frigid Spear • Fury of the Underworld • Gastro Glaive • Gore Impaler • Huskstalk Spear • Lava Spear • Ocean's Gale Javelin • Pestilent Pike • Rot Scourge • Sanctified Stabber • Spirit Spear • Talonginus
BoomerangsBismite Cutter • Briarheart Boomerang • Chakram • Compass Rose • Florarang • Frigid Boomerang • Hellstone Chakram • Spirit Boomerang • Srollerang
FlailsClattering Mace • Clauncher • Core Crusher • Earthshaker • Essence Tearer • Fiery Flail • Flesh Render • Serpent Spine • Tidal Crusher • Titanic Crusher
YoyosAncient • Boreal Throw • Chaparral • Ebonwood Throw • Equality • Eye Of The Inferno • Fireball • Fungus • The Mesopelagic • Murk • Mystic • Pearlwood Throw • Plague • The Probe • Rich Mahogany Throw • Royal Roll • Shade Throw • Sweet Throw • Techn-0 • Terrestrial Ultimatum • Tropic Throw • Typhoon
OtherAeon Ripper • Crook of the Tormented • Defier of Reality • Energized Axe • Fel Binder • Oak Heart • Reapers Harvest • Shell Hammer • Spirit Sickle
ArtifactShard of Thanos (I • II • III • IV)
Ranged Weapons
Bows and RepeatersBismite Bow • Blighted Bow • Bloodshot • Bloom Buster • Clatter Bow • Cygnus Crossbow • Dread Water • Duskrise Bow • Duskwood Bow • Earthshatter • Entbehrung • Eternity • Ethereal Bow • Eyeshot • Fiery Bow • Floran Bow • Frigid Spine • Geode Bownanza • Gilded Bow • Gore Longbow • Granite Bow • Gravehunter • Hero's Bow • Hex Bow • Huskstalk Bow • Lazure Longbow • Longbowne • Malevolence • Marrowrend • Night Sky • Punnapha's Essence • Quasar • Quicksilver Bow • Retinranger • Revenant • Scarab Bow • The Seven Sins • Starcharger • Star Spray • Sylph's Bow • Talonshot • Tattered Shotbow • Thornshot • Tidal Bow • Tropic • Withermaw
GunsBrainslug Blaster • Bullet Cannon • Captain's Regards • Chillrend • Coil Blaster • Coil Pistol • Combat Shotgun • The Cookiecutter • Crimbine • Depth Pistol • Dissolver • Distortion Sting • Dusk Carbine • Garuda • Gator Pistol • Ghast Beam • Goreligator • Heavy Pulse Rifle • Hellfire Shotgun • Hell Raiser • Holy Burst • The Mako • Partystarter • Pistol of Orion • The Poacher • Quicksilver Purge • R'lyehian Sidearm • Rotting Rifle • Shadow Shot • Soul Stinger • Spirit Burst • Storm Phaser • Swordsplosion • Talon Burst • Terravolver • The Cryoblaster • Thermal Blaster • The Thresher • Tidal Blaster • True Crimbine • True Holy Burst • True Shadow Shot
OtherSpaz Lung • Pleidean Flare
ArtifactStar Weaver (I • II • III • IV)
Magic Weapons
StavesAdamantite Staff • Aquafire • Astral Lens • Bismite Staff • Black Tide • Blizzard Scepter • Bloodfire Staff • Bloodletter • Bloodpetal Wand • Breath of the Zephyr • Brimstone Blaze • Cactus Staff • Chlorophyte Staff • Clapdated Staff • Cnidarian Staff • Cobalt Staff • Coil Mine Staff • Cryo Staff • Desolation • Dunewind Staff • Eel Tail • Electropore Conduit • Ethereal Dragon • Ethereal Staff • Fairystar Staff • Fiery Staff • Firespark Staff • Flamering Staff • Floran Spore Wand • Floran Staff • Frigid Scepter • Gandharva's Fury • Gilded Staff • Geode Staff • Gore Staff • Granite Reflector • Gilded Staff • Granite Staff • Granite Wand • The Great Awakening • Hallowed Staff • Horizon's Edge • Huskstalk Staff • Icy Gale • Lavacloud Staff • Moondrain Staff • Mythril Staff • Necropolis Staff • Nova's Spark • Orichalcum Staff • Palladium Staff • Putrid Staff • Quicksilver Wand • R'lyehian Wand • Roseslime Staff • Sea Spray • Shadow Sphere • Shiver Wind • Skullfire Staff • Spectral Supernova • Soul Expulsor • Soul Siphon • Spiritflame Staff • Spirit Wand • Sunbeam Staff • Suncaller Staff • Talon Piercer • Terra Staff • Thornball Staff • Tidal Staff • Titanium Staff • True Hallowed Staff • True Horizon's Edge • True Vessel Drainer • Turtle Staff • Umbra Staff • Vessel Drainer • Viashino Wand • Wisp Staff • Witherbark Staff • Zeus' Lightning
Magic GunsPolymorph Gun • Sparkburst • Tesla Spike
Spell TomesAncient Guidance • Arc-en-Ciel • Blazing Wheel • Blizzard Opus • Blood Boil • Festering Grimoire • Frost Tome • Ichor Clot • Phantom Arc • Plague Skulls • The Sandstorm • Shadowball • Skeletal Shadow • Spirit Rune • Starfall
OtherAcid Globs • Bismite Wrath • Blazing Boquet • Cosmic Hourglass • Crazed Contraption • Darkstar Lantern • Depth Charm • Magic Conch • PrimeLaser • Quake Fist • Seal of Torment • Soul Weaver
ArtifactSolus (I • II • III • IV)
Summoning Weapons
MinionsBio Staff • Crawlerock Staff • Creeper Wand • Dark Sun's Zenith • Dungeon Soul Staff • Eater Staff • Enchanted Paladin's Hammer Staff • Famine Scepter • Gastropod Staff • Lihzahrd Staff • Lihzahrd Wand • Miniflayer Staff • Orbiter Staff • Orion's Zenith • Ornate Staff • Overgrowth Staff • Pigron Staff • Probe Staff • R'lyehian Scepter • Skeletalon Staff • Spirit Staff • Starplate Staff • Terror Bark • Thornwild Staff • Two-Faced Mask
SentriesCore Controller • Cragbound Staff • Engineering Rod • Eternal Ashes • Glumshroom Staff • Hedron Staff • Neutron Star Staff • Primavore Staff • Shadow Sphere • Staff of the Moongazer • Starlight Staff • Wispguard Staff
OtherGhast Staff • Yaksha's Grace
ArtifactDeath Wind (I • II • III • IV)
Thrown Weapons
Throwing WeaponsAcid Kunai • Adamantite Piercer • Amber Slasher • Apocalypse • Asura's Blades • Bismite Knife • Blood Dagger • Bramble Daggers • Cobalt Cutter • Coil Knife • Constellation Kunai • Cryolite Knife • Crystal Knife • Floran Dagger • Frigid Knife • Greedy Dagger • Ichor Knife • Kunai • Lihzahrd Dagger • Mechanical Scrap • Mythril Machete • Nebula Flame • Orichalcum Dagger • Palladium Point • Putrid Knife • Putrid Splitter • Quicksilver Kunai • Sacrificial Dagger • Shadowburn Knife • Spectre Knife • Spirit Edge • Stardust Knife • Thornbloom Knife • Tidal Dagger • Titanium Knife • Vortex Slasher • Wispedge
JavelinsAmbertusk Spear • Chitin Spear • Clatter Spear • Coil Spear • Ethereal Spear • The Gigazapper • Infernal Javelin • Lihzahrd Spear • Oak Heart • Solar Spear
ShurikensCreeping Shuriken • Copper Shuriken • Crystal Shadow • Depth Star • Fiery Shuriken • Geode Shuriken • Gold Shuriken • Gore Shuriken • Iron Shuriken • Lead Shuriken • Paleolith Shuriken • Pestilent Shuriken • Platinum Shuriken • Silver Shuriken • Spike Sphere • Spore • Tin Shuriken • Tungsten Shuriken • Twilight Blades
GrenadesBreath of the Sky Dragon • Electrosphere Grenade • Ghost Jelly Bomb • Tidal Grenade
OthersBall of Flesh • Bone Cutter • Bouncy Eyeball • Lightning Throw • Meteor • Orb of Omicron • Sinister Blades • Sluggy Throw • Soul Shatter • Star Cutter
ArtifactDeath Rot (I • II • III • IV)
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