Jan 18, 2015 In this video, I show you how to skip through Helgen in record time with no mods! Skyrim speedrun where I learned most of the tricks: https://www.youtube.com. Is there a way to disable the intro video of Skyrim? Ask Question 15. No mods installed. Can I skip the launcher on Skyrim? How can I prevent Skyrim from freezing at the load screen? Is there a way to play as another faction (i.e. Bandit) on Skyrim for PC?
- ↑BethesdaGameStudios on Twitter: 'If you own #Skyrim and all its add-ons or own Legendary Edition on Steam, you'll get a free upgrade to Skyrim Special Edition on Oct 28 #BE3'
- ↑ Configuration Settings - S.T.E.P. Project Wiki
- ↑Is there a way to disable the intro video of Skyrim? - Arqade
- ↑Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 84 : Skyrim Memory Patch (Fix freezes and crashes)
- ↑ fix to allow Skyrim to run on 120fps monitors - Reddit
- ↑How do I adjust the FOV for Skyrim? - Arqade
- ↑http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide#5
- ↑Guide:SkyrimPrefs INI/Controls - S.T.E.P. Project Wiki
- ↑Use both Xbox 360 controller AND Keyboard SIMULTANEOUSLY
- ↑PC Gaming Surround Sound Round-up
- ↑ 11.011.1How-To: Alt tab without pausing the game: skyrim
- ↑ 12.012.1Guru3D.com Forums - View Single Post - HBAO+ Compatibility Flags Thread
- ↑Skyrim Volume is too low - Steam Users' Forums (retrieved)
- ↑How can I increase Skyrim's Volume? - StackExchange: Arquade
- ↑Mouse control isn't working. - Skyrim Technical Support - The Nexus Forums
- ↑Verified by User:Hawaii_Beach on 2017-06-16
- Search for 'gfxVersion' in the game exe
- ↑Skyrim Tweak Guide 2.3
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, a remastered version of the original game, is finally out on Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4. This special edition of the game comes with all the three DLC contents and a complete graphical upgrade for both PS4 and Xbox One, with mod support. But, the launch on PC is not as smooth as everyone of us expected because the game suffers from a lot of launch issues such as Crash at startup, Low FPS, 30FPS lock, Game Not Starting, Black Screen at startup, and many such issues. In this guide, we provide a solution for some of these know launch issues. So without any further ado, let's get started.
1: Skyrim Special Edition Not Starting:
To fix this issue follow the steps provided below. In the game folder you will have two executables files: 'skyrimSE.exe and skyrimSELauncher.exe'.
- Step 1: Click with the right mouse button
- Step 2: Go Properties
- Step 3: Click on the Compatibility tab
- Step 4: Set Windows 7 compatibility mode
- Step 5: Below select Run as Administrator
2: Black screen on startup
This is one of the most annoying issue players are experiencing, however the fix for it is very easy. This is how players are experiencing the issue: they see a little launcher box, when they click PLAY they are just greeted with a BLACK SCREEN with the background music and nothing else.
To fix the issue (Nvidia Players), just go the Control Panel and switch/change the GPU it was using.
3: Skip Bethesda Intro
Step 1:
Open Notepad (or any other text editor). Save the empty text file as BGS_Logo.bik (Please note on MS Notepad, you will need to change the file type to ALL Files)
Step 2:
Now open your Skyrim SE Data folder, then video. The default path should read something like this (in your case there may be a slight difference in the path):
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSkyrim Special EditionDataVideo
Step 3:
Rename the existing BSG_Logo file to keep as a backup. And move your text file over that you saved earlier.
4: Transfer Old Skyrim Save Files To Skyrim Special Edition
Step 1: Locate Your Original Save Folder
The saves folder for the original game can be located at:
C:Users[Your Username]DocumentsMy Gamesskyrimsaves
Step 2: Locate (or create if it is not present) The New Save Folder
The Special Edition keeps your save files here: C:Users[Your Username]DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special Editionsaves
Step 3: Copy and Paste
Then just drag the files over from the original skyrim saves into the Special Edition saves.
Step 4: All Done
Just go and play Skyrim Special Edition with your Old Skyrim Saves
If you are still a bit confused about how to transfer Old Skyrim Saves to Skyrim Special Edition, follow the video guide below, it is just the video representation of the above guide. Arma 3 end mission trigger.
5: Enable Achievements When Using Mods
In order to enable Achievements when using Mods in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition you need to install a MOD named 'Achievements Mods Enabler'. Download the mod from this link and follow the 'How to install' steps.
6: Fix For Low FPS
Few players have reported about the Low FPS issue in Skyrim Special edition. It seems like Skyrim Special Edition is defaulting on players integrated graphics card instead of the dedicated GPU. To fix Low FPS issue, follow the steps provided below.
- Step 1: Right-click on your desktop
- Step 2: Select NVIDIA Control Panel
- Step 3: Select 'Manage 3D Settings' under 3D Settings all the way to the left
- Step 4: On the main section of the window, change the tab to Program Settings
- Step 5: Look through the list, if Skyrim SE is already there, skip to step 7. If not, move to step 6.
- Step 6: Hit Add, find Skyrim Special Edition. For me, it was right on top.
- Step 7: When you find Skyrim SE in the list, select it. Options appear. Change the Use Global Settings/Integrated Graphics dropdown menu to High-Performance NVIDIA processor. NOTE: For those wondering or having doubt of not seeing the option in that drop down menu to change from 'Global Settings/Integrated Graphics' to 'High-Performance NVIDIA processor'. You have to go into your NVIDIA Control Panel and go to the Manage 3D Settings option.
- Step 8: Hit Apply to save this setting.
- Step 9: Launch game and viola! Your game should run smoothly
7: Change Skyrim Special Edition Aspect Ratio
The procedure to change Aspect Ratio of Skyrim Special Edition is very simple.
- Step 1: Go to C:UsersYOUDocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special Edition. Please note this is not the path on the game root.
- Step 2: Select file 'SkyrimPrefs.ini', right click on it and select option 'Edit with Notepad++'. If you don't have Notepad++ installed on your PC then download and install it.
- Step 3: Search for the following lines:
- bFull Screen=
- iSize H=
- iSize W=
- Step 4: Now change the aspect ratio you want for yourself. I went for the following figures:
- bFull Screen=1
- iSize H=1024
- iSize W=1280
- Step 5: Save, right click on SkyrimPrefs.ini, click property then check on read only.
- Step 6: After following all the above steps, don't edit the graphics options from the launcher, or if you do repeat this.
This is what the Notepad++ window (via Steam) will look like after you make all the changes.
8: Can't Start Skyrim Special Edition After Installing Mods
One of the fixes for it is to change the Language. According to the report, we have received from few of our readers, it didn't work out for most of them. So here is the second fix for this 'can't start Skyrim Special edition after installing mods' issue.
- Step 1: Go to your game location, it should be something like this: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSkyrim Special Edition
- Step 2: Need the content of the mod folder
- Step 3: Go to the Data folder and delete everything except the things listed below:
- Video folder
- Dawnguard.esm
- Dragonborn.esm
- Hearthfire.esm
- Files starting with Skyrim
- Update.esm
- Step 4: Now all your mods have been deleted. You will have to install them all over again, but there is a catch that you have to follow: Install not more than FIVE mods at a time. If you want to install more than five mods then install first five mods then exit back to the game's main menu, then go an install five more mods, repeat this until all your desired mods are installed.
9: Skyrim Special Edition Frequent Crashes:
To fix this all you need to do is disable the 'touch keyboard' Windows service. (WindowsKey+R and run services.msc)
10: Download: Nvidia Drivers, AMD Drivers
It will be better for you if you guys can update both the windows and your drivers before starting Skyrim Special Edition. Below we have provided download links for Skyrim Special Edition Game Ready Driver from Nvidia and AMD.
11: Mouse/Keyboard Not Working
There are multiple fix for it, check them out below:
- Fix 1: Unplug or change the Gamepad setting in the setting option.
- Fix 2: Disconnect any of the USB device connected to your PC such as microphone, memory, webcam or any other. Few of our readers have reported that the USB microphone is the main culprit behind Skyrim's keyboard and mouse issue.
12: Skyrim Crash On Windows 10 Every 15 Minutes
You must Disable the 'Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service' service. Click your windows button, type in 'services' and select that app it finds, which should be called 'Services'. In services, scroll down until you find the 'Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service'.
- Double click the service name.
- For 'startup type' select 'disabled'
- Then click the stop button.
13: Skyrim Special Edition Keep Crashing
There are multiple reason why Skyrim Special Edition keep crashing. We have listed them out below. Check it out and see which one works for you:
- Fix 1: You can install mods but make sure the one you are using aren't making use of any scripts or have reliance on other mods that uses scripts.
- Fix 2: Most of the time one mod rely on other for its proper functionality and so you have to keep track of all the mods which your mods rely on. For example, some Skyrim mods rely on the unofficial Skyrim patch and if you don't have it, the game will crash again and again. It will be better for you to try playing Skyrim without mods first.
- Fix 3: Few players fix the crashing issue by just changing the LANGUAGE. You guys can change this in Skyrim.ini. There is a possibility that you have a foreign language Operating System and your PC might not understand it, so it will be better for you to change it to English or any other supported language for your operating system.
- Fix 4: If you are facing Sykrim crash issue repeatedly then try rebooting your PC. Rebooting is always a good first step because certain things may require a restart such as Vredist which is installed with Skyrim SE. Try restarting the game or at least Steam.
14: Launcher Error Message: Run Skyrim Special Edition on less than Ultra Setting:
If you are among one of those few unlucky ones who have received this error then all you have to do is ignore it, it seems rather buggy. Try Skyrim Special Edition yourself at Ultra and see how things work. If the performance is not up to the mark then try out the performance tweaks provided in this guide.
15: Animations or Carriage Bug:
To fix this you need to enable Vsync and limit it to 60hz. You can change this setting in the Nvidia/AMD control panel. If this first fix does not work for you then try the second fix mentioned below.
- Step 1: Go to DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special EditionSkyrimPrefs.ini and set iVsyncpresentinterval to 0 if using a G-Sync compatible system.
Also, You can also to do this in the NVIDIA/AMD control panel specific for the game.
16: Enable Ultrawide Mode in Skyrim
If you want to use Skyrim Special Edition in Ultrawide mode then follow the steps provided below.

- Step 1: Go to DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special EditionSkyrim.ini and add the following if it's not already there:
- [General]
- SIntroSequence=1
- Step 2: Then save
- Step 3: Now go to SkyrimPrefs.ini and edit it, change these settings:
- bBorderless=0
- bFull Screen=1
- iSize H=1440
- iSize W=3440
Please note: There is a possibility that the UI might be cut a bit but it's the best solution so far until we get SkyUI for Skyrim Special Edition.
17: Error 0xc000007b/VC_redist : 'The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-{1-1-0.dll is missing from you computer'
The fix for this error code is mentioned below, as reported on Steam:
The problem is that the KB2999226 (Universal CRT) which is part of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 failed to install or some other package in the VC packages failed at some point in time, it could even be an older package from 2012 or earlier. The easiest, sure-way to fix it is to first uninstall every Vistual studio redistributable package and then restart your computer when you're done.
Now once you uninstalled them all, visit and download both the 64bit and 32bit. Now this is important; Install the 64bit package first and then restart. Then install the 32bit package and restart. Once all of that is done, there shouldn't be any issues.
18: ERROR: 0xc0000005
This is either a registry error or video card driver issue. You may want to re-install or update your video card drivers from the official website and use a registry cleaner/fixer if all else fails.
19: Another way to skip or pass on the chopping bug or intro
The fix I have listed below is not exactly a fix but a workaround as it requires a MOD to be installed. On Nexus, there is a mod available that helps you to bypass the intro. The mod is yet to be tested by our team, and so if it doesn't clear all objectives, Helgen may have issues especially for 'Return to helgen' related quests. You will have to read all the details about the mod before installing it.
Also, try disabling the unofficial mod patch if you have it installed. Keep it disable until you get passed this section. After you successfully get pass the prologue you can enable the unofficial mod patch again.
20: Skyrim keeps overwriting my videocard settings
In order to stop Skyrim from overwriting your videocard settings you need to set Skyrim ini files to Read Only. To do that go to the following directory (it varies depending on where you have installed Skyrim Special Edition): 'C:UsersYOUR USERNAME HEREDocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special Edition'.
Now look for 'Skyrim.ini' file, Right click on it and select 'Properties'. Click on the checkbox where it says 'Read Only'. Do this for the SkyrimPrefs.ini file as well.
21: Skyrim Special Edition Appears in task manager but doesn't load
You are facing this issue because you have installed a mod that is using a '.bsa' from normal Skyrim mod and it hasn't been converted. In order to use the mod you must extract the contents of the bsa. It is recommended that you do not use old bsa archives in Skyrim Special Edition.
22: Missing Water issue
You need to add the following lines in Skyrim.ini file. This is just an experimental solution, if it worked for you then let me know in the comment section below.
- bUseCubeMapReflections=1
- fCubeMapRefreshRate=0.0000
23: Stuck in slow motion by bandits who can slow time
There are two solutions provided by Steam user CID. Try out both and let me know which one worked for you:
- Fix 1: Kill all the mobs and then wait in-game for an hour.
- Fix 2: You can also uninstall the unofficial patch if it's installed.
Mod To Skip Skyrim Intro
PLEASE NOTE: We will update this post with more Skyrim Special Edition error issues. If you have any tip or error fix then do let us know in the comment section below. We will update this post.