1. Arma 3 Trigger Types
  2. Arma 3 End Mission Cheat
Arma 3 trigger commands

A mission folder will automatically be created the first time you save your mission in the Editor. This is generally located in “ Arma 3 Alpha missions Mission Name. If you cannot find your mission folder, please reference Locations of Mission Files in the ArmA wiki. Ends mission with a fade effect. See for more information. This should always be used instead of the simple end1-endn endings one can set on trigger activation. Otherwise singleplayer scenarios will not properly be marked as played/ ended in Arma 3 and on Steam!

Click on the images for descriptions Halo 3 flaming helmet.


Introduced in

Arma 3


Arma 3 Trigger Types

Ends mission with a fade effect. See Debriefing for more information.
This should always be used instead of the simple end1-end_n endings one can set on trigger activation.
Otherwise singleplayer scenarios will not properly be marked as played/ ended in Arma 3 and on Steam! See markAsFinishedOnSteam.


[endName, isVictory, fadeType, playMusic, completeTasks] spawnBIS_fnc_endMission

Arma 3 End Mission Cheat

Arma 3 end mission cheatendName (Optional, default 'end1'):
  • String - end type, as used in endMission command
  • Array - in format [endName, ID], will be composed to 'endName_ID' string
isVictory: Boolean - (Optional, default true) true to successful end, false for failed end
fadeType: Boolean or Number - (Optional, default true) true for signature closing shot. When number, simple fade to black of given duration is used.
playMusic: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to disable automatic music during closing shot.
completeTasks (Optional, default false): Boolean - true to cancel all pending tasks.
Return Value:


Example 1:
'end1' callBIS_fnc_endMission;
Example 2:
['epicFail', false, 2] callBIS_fnc_endMission;

Additional Information

See also:


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Add New Note How To
Posted on March 21, 2016 - 11:12 (UTC)
To end a mission properly on a server, use BIS_fnc_endMissionServer instead
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