Whenever I open a new tab in Google Chrome I see the Google search bar plus 8 thumbnails of recently visited (or most visited) sites. I never click on the thumbnails and find them to be annoying. Is there anyway to disable this in Chrome?

To disable a Chrome extension, you need to access the browser's Extensions page. There are two easy ways to get there. Google Chrome also uses plug-ins that allow it to process web content like Flash. Only turn on Chrome sync with devices you trust. If you're using a public computer, use guest mode instead. To Disable Sync in Google Chrome for All Users This will disable and make sync unavailable to turn on for all users. A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below.

I can think of a hacky workaround like creating a blank page someplace and setting that to be the new tab page, but there must be a better way. Any ideas?


3 Answers

Since nobody answered I thought I would post and answer to my question:

Use the Empty New Tab Page extension for a new blank tab instead of the default new tab.

There are also some redirect extensions such as Momentum, which loads a different full screen image each day.


type chrome://flags then Disable 'Top Sites from Site Engagement'


Chrome allows extensions to run on chrome:// urls so one such possible future solution is if AdBlock explicitly requests the permission to run on chrome://newtab then you can just block the div with id most-visited. But currently AdBlock does not request this permission.

You could edit the manifest of AdBlock manually to include this permission or suggest it as a future feature.

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Victoria 2 formable nations. Since the last update it has been impossible to hide the most visited sites. I don't know if it's some temporary sick joke by the chrome team but I need to remove it.

I have tried changing my home to something other website, this works for when you first launch chrome but not for opening news tabs.

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6 Answers

Currently, the only simple solution is to use an extension.

Before Chrome version 33, released 20th February 2014, this solution was possible:

  • Enter chrome://flags/ into the address bar
  • Search for 'Enable Instant Extended API'
  • Set it to Disabled
  • Restart Chrome

You may have to click on the 'x' on the right of each cached thumbnail to get rid of it.

At the time of writing, September 2013 this worked.

2,3463 gold badges22 silver badges35 bronze badges
2,7948 gold badges19 silver badges31 bronze badges

There's an extension called Empty New Tab Page. Does exactly what it says on the tin.

3,7041 gold badge19 silver badges28 bronze badges

To remove any of the 8 most visited sites, hover your mouse cursor over the 'thumbnail' until a X appears at the top right hand corner. Click that. However your next most visited site will replace it.


Try the extension listed on this blog: Source


Most how-tos only provide a solution to clear your most visited pages, not how to disable it. Both methods are easy: below:

How to Clear Google Chrome’s “Most Visited” Landing Page (until you start browsing again)

All you have to do is clear your browsing history. Click the Chrome icon on in the top-right corner of your browser, select “History”, then “Clear All Browsing Data.” Done.

How to Disable Google Chrome’s “Most Visited” Landing Page (until you want it back)

Grab the Chrome extension New Tab Redirect. Install it, enable it, and then select ”Options.” Now, you can either create a custom launch URL or you can simply enter “about:blank” as the URL to have new tabs/windows load a blank page.

2,5044 gold badges21 silver badges35 bronze badges

Stop Thumbnails Google Chrome


Disable Most Visited Thumbnails Google Chrome

Long-Click on the right side of the thumbnail (do not release the mouse button) until a little 'X' is shown in the top right corner of the thumbnail. Release the mouse button and click on the 'X'. Done.


Installing my Extension should to the trick :)

If you have any problems regarding this extension, hit me up on Twitter (@_emkae) :)

Disable Thumbnails From Google Chrome Homepage

Gorilla MoeGorilla Moe

protected by slhckFeb 22 '14 at 8:43

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