Jan 5, 2017 - How To: Remove WSUS Settings and Restore Windows Update Defaults. Or you want a client computer to no longer point to a local WSUS Server. Click Start and open PowerShell as Administrator (Right Click Run as. Remove WSUS Settings via PowerShell Click Start and open PowerShell as Administrator ( Right Click Run as Administrator). Stop the Windows Update Service by entering the command Stop-Service -Name wuauserv.

  1. How To Remove Wsus From Server Powershell Windows 10

Whenever you’ve configured WSUS client settings on a Windows device, you can only remove those settings by using Group Policy by setting them to ‘disabled’ or by removing the registry settings from the client.
In my situation I’ve chosen to use PowerShell to accomplish this task: Lending training.


After this, delete the clients manually from the WSUS management console and you’re done 🙂
Now the client will revert back to using the online Windows Updates from Microsoft instead of your WSUS infrastructure.

How To Remove Wsus From Server Powershell Windows 10

Note: Make sure the settings to configure the WSUS client to use your WSUS infrastructure are not applied anymore before executing the script!