Download Pes 2019 Pc Ocean Of Games

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is a sports game developed by Konami company. The production is the next edition of the popular series accompanying us since 1996. The title was released for PC Windows platform. The game is the amplification of the solutions known from Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 and offers improved mechanics of the gameplay. Aug 29, 2018 All Games Sports Games PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019. Community Hub. PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019. Feel The Power Of Football with PES 2019 offering new licenses, photo-realism and new myClub! Download Demo. Online Multi-Player. Local Multi-Player. Online Co-op. In-App Purchases.
What you guys welcome back to burning video how much on the so in this video we're gonna talk about some new features that's coming, to pass 2019 let's go for 2500 lakhs in this video and let me know down below in the comment section if you guys are excited about this game I'm gonna get it and, of course I'm gonna make videos about it you guys seem to have loved the past. 20 18 videos this year some. Of the videos that God creates and supports and daddy I'm gonna test out of course personal on scene see if it's a nursing difference then ap4. Gonna compare the games and just to show you guys new features I cannot, wait I'm so excited it's actually coming out twice through this world the 30th of august which is only like a couple of months time and maybe three months actually but you.
Know it's still very more early than a peep at, 19 it's gonna come out so I'm excited about the game already and in this video as i said i'm gonna talk about some new features that. They released a few days ago a new feature on past 119 is the quick substitutions so this is what, it says on the websites quick substitutions will be available when the ball, goes out of play a simple button press will give you recommended changes based on stamina possession no need to interrupt, the gameplay during a tennis match so this is similar to what the FIFA Nate this year you don't have to pause, the game anymore to make a sub you get like suggested subs I mean know if the bullet goes on a plane so yeah nice to see that this has also been added, to pass and yeah like I love the quick substitution feature and the fact that, you can choose which players you want suggested for what time 8:00 I just think that's awesome and, I yeah I'm excited to see this as well so a great addition from past very similar to people though but yeah it's a good good addition. And yeah you do not have to, post a game anymore to make substitutions this is not the biggest feature but still very cool they've now added snow. Back into the game I think he used to be a pest before but it was a lot of past 2018 so it says on the websites snow, weather effects have been added not only will, snow appear in the game it will also make the game play you will need to plan your strategy and make key choices based on the weather so as you guys know I'm pest 118 when. It's raining you know players are slipping the ball is moving differently which is very cool very realistic as well it's, not like that I'm FIFA on FIFA like is it always feels to say you know players, are not slipping even if. It's snowing if it's raining if it's fryer pitch everything feels the same but I'm fast depending on the weather it feels way they're friends and I'm excited to see how it feels when it's snowing, maybe the. Moon's gonna go slower baby's gonna go away faster and maybe players are gonna be tripping over and stuff I cannot wait to see this guy it's gonna be awesome maybe you. Can even have snowball fights in a game like, I've been surprised my past has done some crazy things so yeah it's gonna be funny to see you know snow in the game you guys can see this a picture from Anfield and you can see the. Snow falling down so I'm not too sure if it's gonna be like more, snow and you know throughout the game or if it's gonna like start to fade. Away and you know on the page we'll have to wait and see how. That looks but yeah I'm very excited to see this even though it's a small feature and snow effect something added and I cannot wait to see how. It's gonna fit the gameplay you can now interact with the crowd when celebrating as you guys can see from. The trailer continually jumps in the crowd which is kind of cool and you can see a few people you know standing there and there's one person without. A shirt for some reason I found that a bit funny and there's one person wearing like the scarf and. There's one person wearing like yeah yeah, Barcelona jacket of some sorts so there's a few different people right there when it refused different types. Of exploding stuff but I found it a bit funny that one one person was not even wearing anything and so yeah that is just how bear, says you know they have different things to be fun and Dena was. A nice detail but I guess I can see you can now interact with the crowd I suppose there's gonna be a few different celebrations we can. Do with the crowd like you do on you know FIFA 18 but so, they're probably gonna be way different out unpair so I'm excited to test that out I wonder if you're gonna get a yellow card for doing. It Africa's now in me life if you celebrate with a crowd you get a boot, for it and that you know they should be jumping into the crowd I. Think that should give me in the car so we'll have to wait and see that works out but yeah it, just looks awesome I cannot wait to test out all the new celebrations this is one of my favorite features on Pastrana 19 and I'm gonna read the body what it. Says on the websites so it says and life in the software has been. Used to rework lightening both natural and Stadium based Sam's and pictures were closely mirror their real-life counterparts depending on the time of the day bringing a more realistic look and feel to past. One last team so a cigar songs so, from the trainer at the the Sun now has different positions as you guys know before on pass 2018 and you, know 2017 this Sun was positioned like in one place like throughout the whole game but now the Sun is gonna be moving which. Means touching on the night thing on the. Pitch everything and I've seen of the shadows all that kind of stuff it's gonna be looking different throughout the game which you know. They also have a belief on a fee for 18 so I think this looks awesome brings in a much more realistic you know a featuring to pass and yeah. It looks awesome uh saloon trainer as you guys can see, the Sun right there over the company just looks so great so I think is a very red feature in a cigar no. You know pest supports 4k HDR as well so the colors and the clarity and you know the visuals and bass is fantastic and it's one reasons why, I love the game and this.
Is just gonna make it look a lot better so let me know what you guys to think about it down below in the conversation but at least from the. Trainer this new feature looks insane they have also improved the stadiums a lot more so it says the crowd, has more details and animations added also you will now able to hear the. Excitement from the crowd throughout the stadium like never before so as I said on past 2018 the atmosphere feels amazing it feels much, better I mean on past 2018 than the FIFA I. Think the atmosphere is way better on the past and now it seems like it's gonna be even better so the crowd, that's more detail it looks much better it has more clarity as you guys can see from these pictures it looks absolutely amazing the people in the, crowd seemed to have a lot more detail and you look a lot better then it's a motley before and they're gonna have more animations. And you know as I said you're gonna, be able to hear the excitement from the crowd throughout the stadium luck in there before so I mean the atmosphere is gonna be awesome I. Can't wait to test it out and they you know hold as well and they can bring back its players and what they have the best.
2018 if you guys didn't know when we played in like Brazil or Argentina people like to leave and flares when you were. Playing the game so I cannot wait to see more of that it's gonna. Be amazing Allah and the atmosphere impasse and I cannot wait, to try it out I'm past 119 they have all started more shooting mechanics and also animations you guys can see this a smooth way from the trailer and I'm. Also gonna read this from the websites it says new shooting mechanics with unique and varied animations have been introduced including. Motion of the ball slipping passing goalkeepers outstretched hands reactions of the attacker is a slightly missed and more, intense joyful reactions around the goal area so they've added like reactions to players depending on if they miss if they score which is also really. Cool as you guys now. Passed us a really good job with like a player emotions you can see in the cutscenes from players are angry you can see when they're happy when they're smiling all that cancer stuff.
And it seems like they've added more reactions that the players which is very cool but mainly as I said.
A new shooting mechanic so maybe sometimes you know depending on which producing you know. Ksenia has his own shooting technique in real life he's gonna be having that song you know pass maybe, different player is gonna have his own and sort of shooting style, and they've just added more mana mates and you know more different things that's gonna happen when you shoot the ball so new shooting mechanics in the game I'm excited, to test it out I just think that you know shooting and passing infests it's just so satisfying especially if. You score the goals so I cannot wait, to try it out hopefully it looks awesome I'm just gonna talk about some other things that they've. Also added so they've added 11 new skill traits in the game this will help enhance play uniqueness including edge turn no-look pass control loop dipping shot and rising shots these new skills increase the total in game number, 239 so there's like, 39 skill trades right now and so once again I said guys they've added like player uniqueness which means that different players are gonna be moving differently for example Cuttino has its own shooting, style you know dribbling or that kind of stuff so he's gonna probably have that in game maybe renown device well you know, I guess it's only running style so maybe it's gonna have that luck yeah so FIFA 18 so yeah that just makes you know trying up each player more unique and I do indeed, like that they have also added more dribbling animations to the game and they, also got something new called the visible fat sea which is a reworked rebalance stamina system so and that's something you're about to stamina how the players are gonna react you, know later in. The game with their you know getting tired and stuff improvements have also been added to the movement of the. Ball and to make it feel more natural and varied they've also added new things into the myclub mode. Which if you guys do not know it's like the ultimate team of paths and so they got like a high-performance player which is like depending on. How they did that week they're gonna get like a card in the game which is kind, of cool and they've almost added luck new leg dis and stuff and so yeah that is, basically for my clubs but yeah that is basically everything that demand is so far hopefully we're gonna get more features soon but yeah that is basically everything now.
Because from the trainer that's really a few days ago that is all for now thank, you guys so much for watching once again 2500 likes to be amazing and I'm an old diamond, on the conversation if you got so excited about the game and of course I'm gonna make more, videos about this when we get more information and you know the game is also dropping in a few months, time so I'm gonna make videos about it and all that kind of stuff so I just cannot wait pass in my opinion looks, amazing and I'm excited to try it out we also just hit 40,000 subscribers on my second channel which is awesome I'm posting a new video there, like it tomorrow in a couple days time and it's gonna be about a video where we tested out of 100. Jts france 40 gold. Year old football which is very interesting so make sure you guys stay tuned for, that video coming out this weekend and the yeah thank you so much for 40km my second channel and like over four hundred and twenty three thousand on this channel, it's just insane so yeah Reed appreciates their briefs and support but yeah that. Is over now thank you once again so much for watching and I'll catch.
You next time with some more pest when in nineteen peace outs .