
HAVIT Magic Eagle mouse configuration utility.

HAVIT HV-MS672 Ergonomic LED Stress-Ease Wired Mouse provides solid build quality with an affordable price. Visit to buy from HAVIT Online or from authorized sellers.

This program is not an official utility from the product vendor.

It is strongly recommended to use the software from the official website:

Use this utility only if your system is not supported by the manufacturer,or if you need some extra features that the official software does not provide.

Absolutely no warranty. Perhaps (and in some cases definitely),the device will be broken. To restore the device from the 'brick' statefollow the instructions.

  • Magic Eagle is a registered trademark of HAVIT Group.



MacOS X (via homebrew)

Windows (via chocolatey)

Also, binary packages are available in releases.

Building from sources


For compiling hv-ms735-config yourself, you will need the QT (>= 5.2).It is free and available at []. You may also need itsdependency libraries and header files, such as libusb-1.0, hidapi-libusb.

Furthermore you need, of course, a C++ compiler and the Make tool.The GNU versions of these tools are recommended, but not required.


Making hv-ms735-config with gcc/clang

Making hv-ms735-config with mingw

Making hv-ms735-config with Visual Studio

Building the DEB package (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

Building the RPM package (Fedora/SUSE/CentOS)

Building the MSI package (Windows)

Building the DMG package (MacOS)

Magic Eagle Mouse Driver Hv-ms735



hv-ms735-config is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this licensecan be found in the file COPYING included with the source code of this program.

Magic Eagle Mouse Driver For Windows 10

© 2017-2018 Pavel Bludov