Travel to Rivet City and find either one of the following two people: Bannon (at the Marketplace) Vera Weatherly (at the Weatherly Hotel) Ask one of them about the history of Rivet City and they. For the line art I used the Detail Airbrush at 100% oppacity at default size. I then begun painting underneith my line art. I used the Digital Watercolor brush to quickly pop in the basic colors, then swithced back to my Detail Airbrush, but this time at a larger size and begun working in more color.
Considering how they made the Prydwen in only 4 years, with little known organized means of production, is it possible that not only did they steal the reactor, but also the entire ship?

consider the concept art of the Prydwen
Visit the post for more. Project report for finance mba. © 2017 Rivet City Limited. All Rights Reserved.
compared with in-game Rivet City
Rivet City Concept Art Projects