Ok before I continue I have to just say this 'want' for anatomically correct skins came from a situation I had while playing the game. Its an innocent situation. I had made my house and family including my kids in the sims 4. My sim 'son' was getting into the tub and I have a basic no mosaic patch I had paused the game to go do something. My skins, as well as the Real Nude skins, also cover all ages, both male and female. They're complete sets of skins, not just females! The picture shows the 'Light Latin' set. All nine color sets are complete with all ages and both sexes. Female teens, adults and elders have nipples. Male and female teens, adults and elders have pubic hair.

I use equalization and set it in immediate mode. Turn on the volume to the absolute max and bascially I can hear anything. But I do whatever I want to do with my game and my PC. Loudness equalization windows 10. With the equalization, the gunshot won't be hurt your ears anymore.

  1. Sims 4 Anatomically Correct Model
Sims 4 Anatomically Correct Mod


Sims 4 Anatomically Correct Model

  • edited September 2015
  • Ephemera's skins and Kurosoberina's Starfruit skins seem to be the most popular for a soft and shiny look.
    The demon whispers in my ear, the hurt has found a home in here.
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  • edited September 2015
    Also try my skinnie.
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  • My favorite default skin replacers would be almost anything from Navetsea, I can't link to his blog though as its NSFW, but modthesims has as far as I know, more family friendly versions.
  • I found a great one from MTS and it's a family-friendly one.
  • 0
  • edited September 2015
    I would like to send you screenshots from the videos,inw hich i saw those skins,but idk how to send photos here.Can someone tell me how to post pictures with the posts and comments,pls? :/ :)
  • The Ephemera s skin and Kinosoberina s starfruit have barbie parts,i mean naked parts,that s disgusting.I dont want to have skins,that have naked parts and are naked!!!
  • edited September 2015
    @mariicheto13 unfortunately you can't post pictures as a new member. You have to post a bunch and get likes to be 'promoted' I've started you off with a like so that you can later on.
    Are you looking for skins with or without realistic parts? There're some great ones (or there used be be. i haven't been there in a while) on Mod the Sims. You might go there and search the term 'Default Replacement Skin' and see if there're any you like. They don't post the ones with real looking parts there though, you have to go to sexy sims to get their anatomically correct skins.
    Ask for help! Even if you only get comfort and commiseration, that's better than always wondering if anyone cares.
  • duhboy2u2-i dont know how to tag you too,if i knew,i would.
    On the question-no,i dont want to have skins with realistic parts in my game-thats disgusting for me,as if you are watching plum in your game.I want to have skins,that dont have realistic parts.In most of The Sims 3 videos i have seen,people have very awesome skins-they are like shiny and soft at the same time and are default at the same time.And also i want default eyes that look realistic and soft and i have seen them in The Sims 3 videos too.I have seen the default skin and eyes i want in The Sims 3 videos of Sonny Daniel Gaming,Starlightsims and jessamica92.Please search in Youtube for those bloggers and see their sims,you will see how pretty gorgeous they look.And if you have seen their videos before,you should know how their sims look,i think you know what i mean.Thanks for the help!
  • edited September 2015
    Might try this one. It looks similar to me to the one Sunny Daniel uses. Its by teru_k at mod the sims http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=493687 Sadly, I cannot see the eyes well enough in his videos. Mostly I can only see them from far away or with glasses on. You might look at shady at mod the sims here http://modthesims.info/m/1603428. Maybe she made some you'll like? She has lovely eye creations.
    Edited because I found the skins and eyes that Jessamica92 uses. Sadly you said you do not want the skin she uses because it is the starfruit one you already saw. The eyes are here http://simtzu.tumblr.com/post/76138556157
    Ask for help! Even if you only get comfort and commiseration, that's better than always wondering if anyone cares.
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  • it has 3 default files in mod the sims,idk which one of them to download. :
  • You need all three default. One is female, one is male and the other is for children
    Ask for help! Even if you only get comfort and commiseration, that's better than always wondering if anyone cares.
  • You don't see the 'naked parts' so long you don't have the special meshes for those parts (I think plum are okay for you..?)
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  • Also, they aren't really going to show (the naked parts) in normal game play without special clothing to show them off. I think you would have to mod the game to remove censor or get sheer clothing and it doesn't sound like you'd do that so It'd probably be fine to use the starfruit that you liked better on jessamica92's videos.
    Ask for help! Even if you only get comfort and commiseration, that's better than always wondering if anyone cares.
  • I dont think the skin in jessamica92 s videos is as shiny as in the Sonny Daniel videos.
  • Probably not. To be honest, My eyesight isn't wonderful so they all sort of look alike to me. Its why I think I can't tell what the eyes are. I only know jessamica92's because she puts the links to her custom content in her video descriptions.
    Ask for help! Even if you only get comfort and commiseration, that's better than always wondering if anyone cares.
  • I download,which jessamica 92 has and the skin from mod the sims and the skin is so pretty,but if i has naked parts i will delete it.
  • I havent said that i dont like starfruit skin,but i think she is not as shiny as these from mod the sims.
  • edited September 2015
    Does the skin starfruit that jessamica uses has naked parts,like this from mod the sims?
  • 0
  • GUTTE2001-I dont want any kind of naked parts in my game-no plum,no plum,no boobs,no butts!
  • GUTTE2001-I dont want any kind of naked parts in my game-no plum,no plum,no boobs,no butts!

    Sometimes the censor system here REALLY blows my mind.
  • Just to clarify what has already been said here..
    Jessamica92 does use the Starfruit skin and yes, it does show body details. You will not see body details in game unless you have a no censor mod and I'm going to assume you don't since you don't want to see naked sims. Here is the link to her site where you can see her Sims 3 resources for yourself: http://www.jessamica92.com/p/recourses.html She also list the default eyes that she uses.
    It should be noted that you can only use one default at a time. Non defaults you can install all you want.
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