A way to disable/enable Fallout 4 files? - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Talk: Is there a way to disable Fallout 4s mod files and DLC files? The thing is that I have a mod project going, but I dont want it to automatically load into my game whenever I try to launch Fallout 4. I miss the old.esp file system where we had a file tab on the launcher to turn files on and off.

It was a long, long wait for Playstation 4 owners to finally get in on the wasteland modding action, and when it arrived, Fallout 4 fans weren't exactly pleased by the extra limitations above and beyond what's found on the Xbox One edition.

Even now, months after mods have been available, the number of PS4 entries continues to lag far behind what's on tap over on the other side of the console fence. Sadly, due to the restrictive nature of what's allowed on console mods, it's unlikely we're going to get an epic total conversion like you'd see on the PC.

The lack of space and inability to add in huge new assets just won't allow for such major changes to the base game. Don't let that kill your enthusiasm for PS4 modding entirely though, as there's still several overhaul mods that significantly change up the Fallout 4 experience on the Playstation platform.

Over the next several slides we cover some of the best of the best in PS4 overhaul mods that you should be trying out immediately.

Unified Clothing Overhaul

For a change in the game's aesthetics and how you can make your character look while stomping across the Commonwealth, this is the mod that should unquestionably be downloaded straight away.

The UCO mod completely opens up the clothing opportunities, allowing you to craft essentially any outfit you can imagine while still have the benefits of armor. If it's something that appears in the game anywhere on any NPC, you can now equip it as your outfit.

How To Disable Mods Fallout 4 Ps4 Mods

Don't like how your current armor looks but prefer its stats? No problem, with UCO you can make exterior clothing invisible, so the defensive qualities remain while the cosmetics are shifted to whatever style you prefer underneath.

Overgrowth Forest Overhaul

Like a much more invasive and complete version of the Simple Green mod (see the next slide), this Overgrowth offering turns most areas of the Commonwealth into a much more verdant forest.

It makes the entire Fallout 4 experience less dreary and empty-seeming, with vegetation overtaking the Boston area long after the radiation has subsided 200+ years after the bombs first dropped. The color scheme is probably the most frequently sited visual problem with the modern Fallout games, and mods like this handily take care of that concern.

Simple Seasons - White, Red, Green, and Yellow

A clever way of getting around some of the restrictions on adding new external assets in PS4 modding, this series of mods tweaks the colors of grass, trees, objects, and vegetation to let you change the Commonwealth to whatever season you desire.

While it may not radically change the game in terms of content or weaponry, it does completely alter the feel of the story with a different season overtaking areas rather than just having everything be that washed out brown/gray color.

Shown above is an example of Simple White, which takes us from eternal nuclear winter to actual, regular old winter. Even more striking is Simple Red, which sets the trees afire with fall leaf colors for a much less monochromatic playthrough.

Wacky Weapons Workshop

The lack of external assets really hampers weapon mods on the PS4, but one forward-thinking player put together something really interesting just by changing how weapons can be crafted.

Now you can put together just about any combination imaginable - including some that really shouldn't exist, like adding a fatman launcher to a revolver. Who doesn't want to launch nukes from their handgun?

The mod also lets you manually add in multiple legendary effects to a wackified weapon, allowing you to craft some truly outrageous guns and melee weapons without having to kill legendary monsters and hope you randomly get something good.

Remember seeing some of the more bizarre robotic companions when Automatron first came out and laughing at how ridiculous some combos could become? Get ready for that, in weapon form.

Scrap That Settlement

Having primarily played Fallout 4 on the PC, it didn't occur to me until seeing this mod that console players are still having to deal with Bethesda's terrible settlement system in its original form. My sincerest apologies, console peons, because that sounds like a real bummer.


If you want more control over how your settlements look, this very nifty mod lets you scrap almost everything -- grass, rocks, bodies, and all sorts of objects that weren't originally scrappable.

New versions of this mod are slated to land soon that will allow you to scrap whole creatures and structures as well.

Zombie Walkers

The feral ghouls in the Fallout universe have always flirted with being zombies, but they never quite go the whole way there. Putting you in an episode of The Walking Dead (or any given classic zombie flick), this overhaul mod takes ghouls and makes them into a shambling horde of the living dead.

Unfortunately, this PS4 version is a bit stripped down from the PC mod of the same name, but it still gets the job done for console players. Feral ghouls are renamed to zombies, sprinting is disabled, and health is modified so that head shots appropriately take them out. A few animations are also tweaked as well for more of a horror feel.


These modified ghoul zombies also come in big herds that you don't want to get caught in! Needless to say, this pretty drastically changes the feel and tone of a Fallout 4 playthrough. Hiding under a dumpster won't keep you safe here.

Outfield Retreat Home

Don't care for the home options in Diamond City or want to have everything at your fingertips in one centralized location?

This RV home not only looks fantastic -- complete with Nuka Cola themed knick knacks all across the outside -- but also has multiple connected crafting locations, storage space for your bobblehead collection, clean water for survival runs, and a bed offering the well rested bonus.

Plenty 'O Exploration

This is an overhaul mod that fans have to put together every time a new Bethesda entry arrives, especially in the Fallout universe. You'd think eventually the developer would get on this without the players having to do it...


The game maps are always huge, with tons of areas to explore, but then you arrive at a specific location and most of the buildings and hallways can't be accessed and are just cosmetic. Whether doors that can't be opened or piles of rubble blocking your way, there's a distinct lack of indoor exploration.

Fallout 4's rendition of this perennially needed fix, Plenty 'O Exploration, is currently in beta for PS4, but still provides a drastically needed service by adding in many new interior segments for a huge increase in the amount of area actually available to explore.


Last but not least is Cheatmaker, which overhauls the game by putting everything at your fingertips with no effort required whatsoever! After crawling out of the vault, the Sole Survivor can craft anything at all with no materials required. Want some sweet power armor straight off the start? No problem!

There are a whole lot more Fallout 4 mods out there ready and waiting to be downloaded than the nine PS4 overhaul mods we've covered here. What's your favorite PS4 overhaul mod we should try out? Let us know in the comments section!

If you're still on the hunt for even more ways to modify your Commonwealth wasteland experience, be sure to also check out these mods as well:

Published Apr. 11th 2017

The new limits could still change.

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Xbox One and PS4 versions of Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition have new limits in place on the number of mods that can be used at any one time, following a pair of recent updates.

Previously, the console versions of the two games only limited players by the amount of space that mods required. Now, there's also a cap on the number of mods that can be used at any time: 150 on Xbox One and 100 on PS4.

This change wasn't mentioned in the patch notes for either update, which instead focused on newly implemented features for browsing mods (as well as PS4 Pro support, in Fallout 4's case). The discovery of the new caps came as an unpleasant surprise to some fans who use large numbers of mods. But Bethesda says they were put in place for the sake of stability and could still be changed again in the future.

'The mod limits implemented this week to Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition has been put in place based on our internal testing for stability to the game,' reads a post on Bethesda's forums. 'With the new caps, some players will not be able to reach the full storage limit for mods, but the additional storage capacity will allow for you to have larger mods within the 150/100 cap. This is a starting point, and it may be adjusted.'

Fallout 4 Disable Dlc

These caps limit the number of mods that can be actively running at a single time. You're free to add more than this to your library, and from there you can disable and enable mods to fit under the limit--provided you're anywhere close to begin with, which many players may not be.

How To Disable Creation Club Mods Fallout 4 Ps4

'We understand this is a frustration point for all of you. Like all of you, we're still new to the process of allowing mods on consoles and working on ways to improve the experience over time,' Bethesda's post continues. 'We will be continuing to update both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition with new updates pertaining to mods, and if we're able to address these concerns, we will provide information through future release notes.'

Mods were implemented in Fallout 4's Xbox One version last May, followed by PS4 in November; Skyrim Special Edition had them right out of the gate in October. It remained unclear for a period of months whether Bethesda's games would feature mod support on PS4, seemingly because of issues with Sony. Those were ultimately resolved, although the PS4 versions offer a much lower cap on mod storage space and don't allow external assets to be utilized.

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Fallout 4
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Xbox One
PlayStation 4

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