1. Mad Tank

X66-Mammoth Tank. Acting on the orders of Joseph Stalin, Soviet engineers created the Mammoth Tank, the heaviest tank ever produced in the Red Alert conflict, to counter the increasing threat of the Allies latest tank. The Mammoth was armed with two 120mm cannons and twin anti-infantry and anti-aircraft Mammoth Tusk missile pods.

Welcome to my first fanfiction, in a line of what I hope will be many more to come. Please be kind enough to give a good & constructive review after you read it.

This story takes place in Red Alert 3, sometime during the main storyline (not Uprising)


It was a cold afternoon out on this miserable hilly plain, but when you're in the middle of nowhere in Russia, that's a good day. This plain in particular reeked of the smells of dried blood and the not-so-new car smell of destroyed husks of what were former tanks and other light ground vehicles, too broken and fallen apart to be identified.

However, there was some hope to be had in this godforsaken place; having engaged the Soviets, the Allies (particularly, British and American branches) had begun to push them back. Guardian tanks began to outnumber the Soviet Hammer Tanks, blasting giant holes in the minuscule forces and proceeding to crush the remains beneath them. If they were lucky, they could push them back to Stalingrad by next week.

Private Neilson, a Peacekeeper for neutral Poland, had been called in to fight in this battle; a trim, athletic (although indistinguishable) man with little experience, was naturally nervous and anxious for this battle; in his briefing, his squad had been warned to prepare for the unexpected, as several large carrier aircraft had been spotted heading towards the Soviet Union, and no one in the Allied forces knew what could possibly be carrying it. However, as the battle carried on, Neilson began to relax and even grow in confidence; the Soviets had been easily crushed, and the Conscripts he engaged had fought as if they never saw a gun before.

As the Allied forces moved forward to stake their claim over the land after this easy battle, Neilson heard it. At first, the fellow troops were confused; what was that thumping sound? A glance over the hill answered that question.

Several giant brown crates had been dropped, the ropes attaching them to the Badger planes now dangling free and floating gently to the ground. Then, the boxes opened.

No one in Allied command could ever guess what was to come. The Soviets finally did it.

They brought in the big guns.

Mad Tank

Red Alert Mammoth Tank

The Mammoth Tanks.

These monstrosities were never seen before. The giant, hulking, fearsome symbols of Soviet excess..and power.

With an almighty roar and a charge forward, these..things charged forward. These (literal) woolly mammoths with giant who-knows-what-length mm guns that could tear apart the sturdiest of tanks (as if their feet and tusks couldn't do it) brought back the old, natural dread that Neilson had felt at the beginning of this mission. He stood absolutely still in shock, shotgun falling to his feet, as the mammoths charged towards him, guns pulverizing the tanks at its sides.

Red Alert Mammoth Tank


A/N: For anyone confused out of their minds, EA released an April Fool's unit bio on the 'upcoming mammoth tank' for Red Alert 3, which turned out to be quite literally, a mammoth with giant guns on its back. The moment I saw it, I knew I had to write a story on it.

The bio is on the front page of the Red Alert site, I can't seem to be able to link to it.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Command & Conquer was one of the best and most influential RTS games of all time, and C&C: Renegade was a pretty decent shooter that let you explore its universe in first person. Moreover, its multiplayer mode let you buy and drive its vehicles, including mammoth tanks and orca helicopters.

I can remember some brilliant games in Renegade, and thrillingly, there’s a total conversion mod that resituates it in Red Alert – C&C’s splendid prequel.

That mod has just had a comprehensive new update, which is the news that justifies us writing this story, but this mod has been around for a while. Named A Path Beyond – for the classic Red Alert multiplayer map, of course – you can check out a trailer from its ‘delta’ release over two years ago below. All the icons are here, including Tesla coils, mammoth tanks, and even missile submarines (quite a feat, since Renegade had no pilotable naval units, as far as I can remember).

Best of all, A Path Beyond is standalone and free. You can download and play it right now from ModDB or the website of W3D, its committed mod team who have used Renegade’s Sage engine to put your boots on the ground in several other classic C&C games.

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Red Alert Mammoth Tank

But, yes, news: the change notes for the update to A Path Beyond are on the W3D forums here. Notable points include a tighter FOV for first-person infantry and a ton of balancing changes, notably to rocket soldiers and the yak.

A Path Beyond is one of the most successful fan projects I can remember seeing for a while – the Renegade Wiki claims it once (in February 2008) boasted over 6,000 monthly players and was even promoted by EA. The whole W3D community has flourished since, with a Renegade mod for Tiberian Sun finished and another for Red Alert 2 in development.

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